Hacking on pip2nix

Development environment

Just running nix-shell when in the repository should drop you into a shell with python2.7 and pip2nix wrapper in $PATH. To use a different python, pass --argstr pythonPackages python35Packages to nix-shell.

Running tests

To run tests while in the development environment run py.test. It will search for all tests under current directory.

To test all supported platforms, run nix-build ./release.nix - this is actually what CI does.

Changing the dependencies

When changing setup.py you should also run pip2nix to regenerate python-packages.nix. I you don’t have a working copy around, run ./bootstrap.sh from top level directory. The script will install pip2nix with pip into a virtualenv, and use that to generate python-packages.nix.


nix-shell ./release-shell.nix
bumpversion dev
rm -rf pip2nix.egg-info/ dist/
nix-shell --pure --run 'python ./setup.py sdist'
twine upload dist/*
bumpversion --no-tag minor